I’m expecting a fourth daughter but we’re desperate for a son — should I have an abortion?

DEAR DEIDRE: I’M pregnant with a fourth daughter but we’re desperate for a son. I’m 37, my husband is 40 and we have three daughters, aged eight to 14 and all high-maintenance.
I lost a little boy three years ago and we hoped this baby would be a boy but my scan showed another girl.
The radiographer even said: “Good luck with this one – she’s hyperactive.” Now we are planning a termination.

DEIDRE SAYS: That was a joke by the radiographer. An active baby in the womb doesn’t mean she will be a hyperactive child.
If anything, boys tend to be more active. I worry you will bitterly regret a termination on this basis.
Why are you so against having another girl? Did you not feel valued when you were a young girl? Is it pressure from your husband for a boy?
Please talk it over first with Family Lives .

Credits: Deidre Sanders
The Sun
