From slow healing injuries to thinning hair, these changes
could mean you need more protein in your diet.
How Much Do You Need?
You should get a minimum of 10% of your daily calories from
protein. (For a target of grams, multiply your weight in pounds by 0.36.) And
you want it from a variety of sources throughout the day: A tub of low-fat
Greek yogurt for breakfast has about 20 grams; a serving of skinless chicken
breast at lunch, about 25 grams; and a cup of black beans in your dinner, about
15 grams. Your body breaks down and reuses the protein in many ways.
One of the most common signs that you're not getting enough
protein is swelling (also called edema), especially in your abdomen, legs,
feet, and hands. A possible explanation: The proteins that circulate in your
blood -- albumin, in particular -- help keep fluid from building up in your
tissues. But many things can cause edema, so be sure to check with your doctor
in case it's more serious.
Mood Changes
Your brain uses chemicals called neurotransmitters to relay
information between cells. Many of these neurotransmitters are made of amino
acids, which are the building blocks of protein. So a lack of protein in your
diet could mean your body can't make enough of those neurotransmitters, and
that would change how your brain works. With low levels of dopamine and
serotonin, for example, you may feel depressed or overly aggressive.
Hair, Nail, and Skin Problems
These are made up of proteins like elastin, collagen, and
keratin. When your body can't make them, you could have brittle or thinning
hair, dry and flaky skin, and deep ridges on your fingernails. Your diet isn't
the only possible cause, of course, but it's something to consider.
Weakness and Fatigue
Research shows that just a week of not eating enough protein
can affect the muscles responsible for your posture and movement, especially if
you're 55 or older. And over time, a lack of protein can make you lose muscle
mass, which in turn cuts your strength, makes it harder to keep your balance,
and slows your metabolism. It can also lead to anemia, when your cells don't get
enough oxygen, which makes you tired.
This one might seem obvious. Protein fuels you. It's one of
three sources of calories, along with carbs and fats. If you want to eat a lot
of the time even though you have regular meals, you may need more protein.
Studies have found that eating foods with protein helps you feel fuller
throughout the day.
Slow-Healing Injuries
People who are low on protein often find their cuts and
scrapes take longer to get better. The same seems to be true of sprains and
other exercise-related mishaps. It could be another effect of your body not
making enough collagen. It's found in connective tissues as well as your skin.
To make blood clot, you need proteins, too.
Getting or Staying Sick
Amino acids in your blood help your immune system make
antibodies that activate white blood cells to fight off viruses, bacteria, and
toxins. You need protein to digest and absorb other nutrients that keep you
healthy. There's also evidence that protein can change the levels of
disease-fighting "good" bacteria in your gut.
Who Might Come Up Short?
Most Americans get plenty of protein. People who don't get
enough usually have an overall poor diet. Elderly people and people with cancer
may have trouble eating as much protein as they need. Severe malnutrition from
lack of protein is called kwashiorkor. It's more common in developing
countries, especially with children, or after a natural disaster.
What About Athletes?
If you exercise regularly and eat a balanced diet, you're
probably fine. But serious athletes with strenuous training schedules do need
more protein -- about twice as much as the average person, or roughly 0.5-1
gram of protein for every pound of body weight each day. Don't overdo it
though. Too much protein can also cause problems.
(Web MD)
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