What a Woman Expects from Her Husband

Tunde Mabinuori 
Expectation and interest level of people change from age to age. A boy of 10 years old, who was exceptionally excited and proud of a bicycle gift as his tenth year birthday gift from his father, will at 16 years of age be interested in his father’s car key.
The same goes for a woman’s expectations from her husband as her age advances. The expectation of a 25 year old lady will be far different from that of a woman of 45 years old.
Here basically, I will address the expectations that cut across, to a large extent, all age groups. 

1.       Good Leadership

As far as the home setting is concerned, the woman is made to follow. The man is the head of the woman. The husband must be able to offer good leadership to the woman. Suggestions and good ideas may come from the wife, but the man reserves the right to choose and give the needed direction.
The woman is fulfilled and satisfied when her husband offers good leadership and decisiveness at all times. A woman will always feel more comfortable when she submits to a man of responsibility who leads not only the wife but the entire family.

2.       To be a godly man
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Ps. 111:10). The key to the wisdom needed to run the home well hangs on the man being a goodly person. To be godly means to be pious and devout that is to have reverend fear for, and be obedient to God and His word at all times. A woman feels safe and secured with a husband who knows and fears God. The marriage relationship is protected and preserved when the husband positions himself to be called to order and rebuked by his spiritual oversight through the ministry of the Bible whenever he misbehaves. 

3.       Communication
A man needed to catch up with an appointment early the next morning. Prior to that day, he and his wife had not been on talking terms for about a week. Not willing to give up the deadlock between the two of them by being the first to speak to the other party, he wrote a note at the side of the wife’s bed. “When it is 5:00am, wake me up”.
Unfortunately, the next morning, the man woke up some few minutes to 7:00am, and was very furious with his wife. In the midst of his fury as he was getting out of bed, he noticed a little note around the side of his bed. The note read ‘It is 5:00am wake up”.
This is a typical example of a marriage relationship that lacks communication. A woman once said to me “Pastor, I cannot stick living in the same house with a man who would not talk to me for two weeks”. She went further, “I even prefer him beating me than the agony of him not talking with me”.
A woman is in dire need of communication especially with her husband. Most women cut off relationships or reduce communication with their friends after they get married to their husbands. And not to have the man communicating with them is a pain that cannot be quantified. Lack of communication has brought doom to some homes. Talk issues out with yourselves. The enemy is always in the business of misrepresenting people before others.

4.       Sense of humour
Humour means things that people say or write that are funny or amusing. It is also the quality in something that makes it funny or amusing. The Bible says in Prov. 15:13 “A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance, but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken”.
In Prov. 17:22 the Bible says that
A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit drieth the bones”. A man with a sense of humour is not necessarily a professional comedian, but a man that can express or appreciate what is funny and amusing. A man should give out time to wind off in some expression of jokes and laughter. It is not all the time that he should be stern and serious. There are some homes where the children cannot sit together with their father to watch the TV. Every woman wants a man who can cool off when he gets back home.

5.       A Listener
There was this man (Mr. A) who got involved in a conversation with two different people 9Mr. B & Mr. C) at different times, on different occasions. After his encounters with these two people, he was asked of his views of them. Commenting on Mr. B, he said the man was not a good person to converse with because he was a good talker like himself and he seemed to have something to say on every topic that was raised, thus dominating the discussion. He however had something different to say about Mr. C, who he described as a very good man. All Mr. C had done was to listen patiently, nod his head in agreement where necessary and sigh at other times.
Every woman wants to end her day in talking with her husband. Even if you are tired, as a man, it will do well for you to listen to whatever she wants to say. By so doing, you will make her day and she will forever celebrate you. Make it a practice as a man.

6.       To be financially free
A woman may marry you the way you are, but will not want you to remain the way you are. A woman expects he husband to be financially responsible and care for the entire family. Lack of money is the root of much family strain.

7.       To be presentable    
Every woman wants to stand with a sense of pride beside her husband at any time. She would like to stand beside a presentable man, one that cares about the way he looks. She expects her husband to be physically fit, good looking and well-dressed at all times.
A lady once said that she will not consider or accept a marriage proposal from a man who is not dressed in shirt and tie. She may not be completely right in her decision but she is making a statement about her expectation of a husband. And that is the fact that good grooming should not be compromised.

8.       A lover of his family
A woman expects her husband to love and enjoy the company of the family. Some men stay out late and only come home after the children are asleep. Women do not enjoy a man whose duty stops at paying the bills and is never available to spend time with her and the children. Every woman wants a family man.

9.       A man of integrity
Every woman wants her husband to be a man of his word. A man of honesty, one that is loyal and faithful to his marriage vow. We are talking of a man of fidelity, a man that is faithful and steadfast in the face of any temptation, a man who will not renounce, desert, or betray his friend. A woman was once asked on a national TV show if she would not mind to share her husband with another woman. Her reply was a very sharp “No”. As she would be faithful to her vows, so also she expected her husband to exhibit the same faithfulness.  

10.   Emotionally responsive
Every woman expects her husband to be romantic. She loves and enjoys the romantic, and sensual moves of her husband even though she acts sometimes as if she is not interested.
Unfortunately some men are so rigid and completely unromantic. Women like to be made to feel special. She expects her husband to give the touch, spice, look etc. Don’t deprive your wife the romantic touch, or else you provide an opportunity for someone else to give it to her at her work place or in the neighbourhood.

Pastor Tunde Mabinuori is the Minister-in-Charge, Rhema Chapel International Churches, Oluyole Estate, Ibadan.
e-mail: tundemabinuori@gmail.com
