Things That Can Kill Intimacy Between Couples

-Tunde Mabinuori
Marriage is the most complex of relationships and it usually takes effort to have a great marriage.
I have tried here to highlight some things which I call intimacy killers, things that can rob us of the joy of the sexual pleasure God intended for us. 

1.       Fatigue and stress: Sexual desire is a product of te energy derived from proper nutrition, exercise and sleep. All these affect the energy available for sexual involvement. Couples must be willing to adjust priorities and establish new habits that will reinforce intimacy.

Habits and lifestyles allow fatigue and busyness to crowd out intimacy and the spontaneous joys of marriage. Couples with large families, many responsibilities, and unending house chores may find stress and fatigue to be a problem.  Noting kills intimacy faster than these. Couples can enjoy sexual fulfillment when they know themselves intimately, are both trustworthy, trusting, and plan for sexual intimacy, allotting more time to connect on a daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly basis. 

2.       Guilt: This is when we bring wrong and damaging past actions and attitudes into the present, and find they sabotage our present experience and relationship with our spouse. (E.g. a woman who has aborted several pregnancies or was a victim of rape).  Whether it happened yesterday or the last decade, the past must be dealt with before we can go forward. This is the beauty of asking for forgiveness! 

3.       Pornography: 95% of viewers of pornography are male and wives often underestimate the effect of such on their relationship.
Habitual viewing of pornography sets up two formidable walls between couples: devastating guilt and unrealistic sexual expectations. Husbands naturally feel guilty about a pornographic addiction, and usually try to hide it from their wives; of course, this dishonesty makes experiencing genuine intimacy almost impossible.
All the rationalizing, explaining away, or defending of actions won’t change the fact that a husband addicted to pornography can’t be intimate with his wife. The woman cannot win the competition with her husband’s fantasies. 

4.       Effects of previous relationships: It is not easy for any new couple who has experienced a bad relationship to easily love again. It simply takes time and effort for trust to grow and eventually blossom into intimacy. 

5.       Different reasoning patterns: It has been said that men approach life like mechanics and women approach life like farmers. A man sees a relationship as a machine, if it is not working as it should, he wants to quickly get a new part, stick it in, and get the ting up and running again! A woman, on the other hand, tends to see a relationship as a garden that is growing, requiring nurture and attention. Intimacy grows just like that garden. A woman doesn’t just wake up and desire sex. It has to be a planned activity, sometimes as early as hours before, whereas a man is all set and ready to go anytime.
Compromise is necessary in order for both parties to be happy. When a husband’s needs are stronger than his wife’s, he does not have to demand intercourse at every whim. For her part, she should be willing to go out of her way to meet his needs as an expression of her love for him. A sexually satisfied person is easier to live with tan one who is not.

Pastor Tunde Mabinuori is the Minister-in-charge, Rhema Chapel International Churches, Oluyole Estate, Ibadan
