Sex in Marriage

-          Tunde Mabinuori
Our relationship with God is like the hub of a wheel. Everything else in life comes into balance when the Lord has central position in our lives.
This is so with our emotions too. One of the most powerful experiences God has given us is the sex drive. Sex and marriage are designed by God, and are incredible. However, I want to establish that the only way to experience the original beauty of marriage, sex, and freedom from sexual immorality is a personal relationship with God, through Jesus Christ.
It is sexual intercourse, reserved for husband and wife, that makes marriage the most unique of all relationships. (In sex, a man and wife are made one flesh). All other forms of intimacy can be experienced between any two people.
Statistics have shown that there is usually a higher rate (more than 50%) of separation between lovers when they cohabit, as opposed to their married counterparts. The reason is because the commitment of marriage provides the best context for intimacy:
Love, marriage, and sex are the three building blocks that make sexual intimacy possible. Love- contrary to widely held opinion, - is about meeting the needs of others, and is not about self-gratification. You don’t really need marriage to have sex; but you certainly do need marriage to experience the authentic pleasure of sex that God intended!
Love, sex and marriage without the relational emphasis is just the sexual act; it leaves people empty, dissatisfied, and feeling guilty. This explains just one reason why sex outside marriage is so destructive: it delivers a momentary, addictive pleasure without the core dimension of intimacy.
Let us examine points that can foster sexual intimacy in a marriage.
1.       Communication
Frustration accumulates when the husband and wife are not a able to communicate about problems, desires, fears, or a host of other regularly unspoken issues that impact their sexual experience.
Communication allows difficult topics to be openly discussed. What if the wife has no interest in sex? On the other hand, is there freedom to share sexual fantasies with your spouse? Can both partners openly share what they think about their sex life, as well as every other part of their lives?
2.       Caring
Caring for your partner means providing them with the sexual experience that pleases them, on their terms, in their way, in their time frame. A husband caring for his wife might mean he focuses on slow and gentle caresses, speaking of her beauty and his love for her, or perhaps practicing giving a full body massage!
3.       Commitment
Commitment to sexual intimacy in marriage involves doing what is necessary to achieve it, and eliminating whatever impedes it. Commitment also translates into time; you must prioritize your time for sex since busyness is one factor that always gets in the way. Some people live complicated lives which never leave them enough time or energy to feel sexual desire.
4.       Common Values
Intimacy will not be produced when values held by husbands and wives are in conflict. Couples don’t have to necessarily believe all the same things; nevertheless, unless there are fundamental common beliefs and core values, there can be no spiritual union.

Pastor Tunde Mabinuori is the Ministter-in-Charge, Rhema Chapel International Church, Oluyole Estate, Ibadan
