Imokoli: The Wonder Tree That Prevents Killer Diseases

Imokoli plant is a native of Kissidougou in Guinea. It is a tall, fruitless tree. It does well in humid sub tropical climate; it has just been discovered that IMOKOLI is medically potent in preventing human race from four major killer disease that are threatening human existence.
The extract from the plant is capable of curing
communicable diseases including diabetes and controlling hypertension. Kidney patient can also be at the mercy of the extraction from this plant. It can also prevent human HIV virus and other cardiovascular risk factors.
Hypertension if not properly controlled, can lead to ischemic stroke a condition when oxygen delivering arteries in the brain becomes partially or completely blocked. Hypertension, a term generally used for rise in blood pressure is controlled with IMOKOLI extraction taken with pure honey.
Diabetes should be given a special attention like HIV/AIDS in Nigeria to reduce the burden on the patients and its impacts on the economy. Going by the data released by the international Diabetes federation (IDF) a minimum of six million Nigerians suffered from diabetes which is leading cause of blindness, kidney failure, heart attack, stroke and amputation. The extract from this plant controls blood sugar in diabetic patient by improving insulin production. To be precise, IMOKOLI leaves with egusi (melon seed) is very effective in curing diabetes completely. This, in other words, will prevent one from other afflicted diseases mentioned above.
Nowadays, kidney disease is increasing in young and old alike around the world.
Your kidneys are saddled with the responsibility of removing waste from the blood and to excrete them via urine. They keep water and minerals, at healthy levels and produce important hormones. When these important organs are diseased, usually through high blood pressure or diabetes, they cannot be efficient in carrying out their duties as expected. When this occurs, it may be very difficult to stop but IMOKOLI bark boiled with hot water is capable of reversing the trend when properly taken as prescribed.
It is an understatement that virus is well known to all and sundry because of befitting public enlightenment given to it. Despite this, it still baffles me how the virus is still spreading at alarming rate. IMOKOLI root boiled with lime can be of a good help in complementing the principle of universal precautions. The mixture when used is undoubtedly capable of boosting one’s immunity against virus. Since HIV virus is hard to stop once it is set in motion.
IMOKOLI plant is currently being planted here in Nigeria by the author of this write up. In the next few years, it will be available in economic scale. It is being packaged in the right proportion to treat specified ailments. People have been coming from afar and near to benefit from this ‘wonder tree and the beneficiaries have been giving us positive reports on their condition.
A stitch in time saves nine. Prevention is better than cure. Prevention means intervention now and this will spare us the overwhelming cost of chronic care later. The extract from IMOKOLI plant has offered a cost effective solution to the rising epidemic of these disease conditions.
Dr Adeyinka Adebayo
Trado-medical practitioner 
 08167503188, 09093517566
