-Wole Adejumo
All roads will lead to the International Conference Centre
of Rhema Chapel International Churches, Oluyole Estate, Ibadan on Saturday, May
23, 2015 when a concert tagged “True Worship” will hold. Apart from Bukola
Adediran who is the facilitator, veteran Gospel singer, Evangelist Toun Soetan and Evangelist Sola Oladoyinbo are billed to
perform as well as Big Bolaji among others.
In a chat with The Anchor Online, Bukola Adediran explained
that “True Worship is a programme that has come to be, based on the
instructions I have from God. It is a program inspired by God Himself and I see
it a rare privilege to have been chosen to work for God”.
“What is the idea behind the concert and what is it designed
to achieve?” our reporter asked. “I would not really call it a concert. It is
going to be a worship program”, she responded. She expatiated that “this is the
maiden edition and it’s more like a dedication of a new phase of my life in
God. The idea is setting an atmosphere for an encounter with God. We come
together to worship Him, to have a divine experience with God. God is always
ready to reach out to His people but are we always in tune? It is a program
that intends to redefine worship and make people come to terms with what
worship actually entails. It is a soul winning mission, looking forward to
people getting delivered, healed and saved under the influence of the Holy
When asked if there worship could be false or untrue, she said
“the question sounds really funny but sincerely there is a counterfeit of
almost everything good. However, in this case, it is not in the power of man to
determine what true worship is or who is truly living a life of worship. Only
God sees the hearts of men and can judge what is true or not. Nonetheless, we
have instructions in the Holy Bible as to how God wants us to render our
services on to Him. Therefore, we can only reinforce these instructions and
reach out to souls on what God expects from them and how they can actually live
a life of true worship based on inspirations from God. We are like oracles. An
oracle is the mouth-piece of God. For everyone God has given a special
assignment, He reaches out to them through diversities of gifts and callings
for the same very purpose of redemption”.
She went further that “True Worship is thus; first and
foremost about seeking God, the Father in the name of Jesus, The Son, with the
help of The Holy Spirit.
It is also about each believer living a lifestyle that
manifests and reflects Christ: a lifestyle that glorifies God through
continually seeking, worshipping and obeying God, obedience being the peak of
true worship. 1 Peter 2:9 confirms that we are a chosen generation, a holy
nation that should show forth God’s praises”.
Mrs. Bukola Adediran, who exudes depth in the scriptures,
went further that “it is about God. It is about promoting the name, glory,
power and presence of God in the life of every believer and non-believers in
extension as stated in Ephesians 1:11-12 and as Colossians 3:23 says, “whatsoever
ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men’. Thus while some may
close their eyes, some kneel down, some may even prostrate, some stand, while
some may raise their hand: all is done to God the way each believer knows how
best to connect Him and as the spirit leads (1 Cor.2:10-12).
True worship is a call to and opportunity for genuine
repentance as we experience Him because where two or three are gathered
together in His name, God is there in their midst Matthew 18:20. So we minister
to each other and thus seek to serve Him the more. It is about the word of God
being supreme and the basis of and for every song, praise, poem and mode of
worship. It is to encourage worship as an expression of the word of God, with
or without music as Colossians 3:16 says we should admonish one another in
psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in our hearts to the
She also described it as “an expression of our love for God
(Rom.5:5) as we celebrate Him.
No one can remain the same after an encounter with God”.
Giving an idea of what to expect at the programme, she said “let
people come as they are, raw, and have a supernatural encounter with the
Almighty God. God is seeking true worshippers, who will worship Him in Spirit
and in truth. He desires His creation to acknowledge His Lordship and Presence”.
Mrs. Adediran, a Mass Communications graduate disclosed that
she started singing at a very young age. “I can vividly remember I used to sing
alongside my siblings, running around in circles in our living room at a very
tender age. As a child I joined the adult choir. I enjoyed singing praises to
God, it flowed freely from within, little did I know what was ahead. I got born
again when I was in the secondary school. I got so committed and I lived most
of my time in the church. If i wasn't in school, if I wasn't at home, then I
would be in church. At a point my parents opposed it and i had several
challenges but the Lord saw me through it all. His Grace found me and His mercy
kept me.
Here I am today; I am still addicted to Praise and Worship.
I am a God addict. My life is nothing without God”.
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