What Can I do Before My Soul Mate Comes?

Tunde Mabinuori 

1.       Be Prepared: And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make an help meet for him” (Gen. 218)
From this scripture above, God already had it in his plan to get Adam a help meet. God knows every man needs one, but He never gives him the woman until the man feels a need for her. In verse 20 of the same chapter, Adam confirmed his need for the woman “And Adam gave names to all cattles and to the fowls of the air and to every beast of the field but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him”. The word “found” in this scripture indicates that a search was embarked upon which convinced God that Adam had identified the need for a help meet for himself.  God will only move to organize your potential wife/husband around you when He sees that you are indeed ready and willing to have one.
These are some of the ways in which you can prepare yourself:
a.       As a man, you must be responsible. Get a job or engage in something meaningful that can yield profit for you and enable you take the leadership role in your home.
b.      As a lady, develop yourself. Learn homemaking skills. Let the potential man see the virtues of a Proverbs 31 woman in you.
c.       Develop the maturity of someone who wants to get married. Let the fruits of the spirit be seen in you always. I once heard the story of a man who proposed to a lady. After some weeks, the lady was considering acceding to his requests. One fateful day however, they both found themselves in the same vehicle with the man at the steering wheel.  An oncoming driver drove roughly in front of them nearly causing an accident.
The man just jumped out of the car and beat the other driver to a point of stupor. The lady was frightened and immediately, she rescinded her decision of agreeing to the proposal. The conclusion she came to was that the man would deal with her the same way if she offended him.
d.      Be intelligent. Read books and get engaged in intellectual pursuits. No one wants to marry a dullard. A woman once complained to her Pastor, “My husband is a yes man. He says yes to anything I say. He never has any contrary opinion”.

2.       Discover Yourself: A philosopher once said that the greatest thing an individual can do for himself is to know himself. Once a man knows himself, then half of his life’s problems are solved. In Genesis 2: 19-20, Adam knew himself and what he was looking for. He didn’t find what he was looking for in the chimpanzee, the elephant or the buffalo. After searching through the animals and finding none, he still didn’t settle for second best. He didn’t say “since I can’t find what I want, I will accept the female monkey, at least it looks a little like me”.
So in verse 23 when he saw the woman, he said “This is the bone of my Bone and flesh oof my Flesh”.
If indeed you know your bone and your flesh you should be able to recognize it when you see it anywhere. For some, the interest level as to who their spouse should be changes from time to time. Every likeable new acquaintance now becomes the model of whom to marry. They do not really know themselves or what they are looking for.
(The problem with many Christians today is their inability to introspect and find out who they really are). Also, you must know your areas of strength and weakness and pray for and choose a partner that will best complement you.   

3.       Have a Purpose and Focus: Every man and woman should have a sense of purpose and direction. The opposite sex will get attracted more to a man or woman that has a bearing than to one who does not know where he or she is going. One of the things that endeared my wife to me in the early days of our relationship was the sense of direction and purpose she saw in me. She read through some of my private writings and she was fascinated by what she read. And then she felt more secured about the future. 

4.       Be the right person: Many single Christians often set standards (at times unrealistic ones) as to what the person they want to marry should be like. That is why the phrase Mr. Right and Miss Right is common among singles. The phrase is often used to refer to the ideal man or woman they want to marry. I was once told about a lady who had advanced in age and was desperately looking for Mr. Right. She was however so foul-mouthed that her command of dirty language would make garage boys green with envy. Funny enough, she desired someone that was mild mannered and a complete gentleman. Of course, she only managed to attract men like herself. If you are not right, you can’t get the right person. As much as possible, concentrate on being the right person.     
While standards are good, singles should as much as possible be rational. I once heard of a joke about a lady who went to a computer dating agency and punched in her requirements for her Mr. Right. She was a precise person and knew exactly what she wanted. She wanted someone who was tall, hairy, an avid sportsman and also a vegetarian. The computer searched through its database and came up with a response. It sent her pictures and profile of a Gorilla. 

5.       Seek the face of God: Learn to seek the face of God. Pray earnestly about your expectations concerning the person you intend to marry. A lady once had an experience which she couldn’t fathom at the time it happened. At a period in her life when she didn’t have a relationship and was not yet ready for one, the spirit of God woke her up one night and told her to start praying for her future spouse. She was confused yet she obeyed. She had the experience four times before she eventually met her husband. It was during her courtship that she shared the experience and the dates it happened with the man. The man, who was a soldier, was totally dumbfounded and then he narrated to her that those dates were periods when he had been on the battle front and and had despaired for his soul, but through what he called miracles, he survived. God actually woke the woman up to save the man’s life.
You may not hear any voice from God, but start praying for him/her now.

Pastor Tunde Mabinuori is the Minister-in-charge, Rhema Chapel, Oluyole Estate, Ibadan email
e-mail: tundemabinuori@gmail.com
