By Dr.Travis Bradberrry
My last post, How Successful People Stay Calm, really
struck a nerve. The trick is that managing your emotions is as much about what
you won’t do as it is about what you will do.
TalentSmart has tested more than a million people and
found that the upper echelons of top performance are filled with people who are
high in emotional intelligence (90% of top performers, to be exact). So, I went
back to the data to uncover the kinds of things that emotionally intelligent
people are careful to avoid in order to keep themselves calm, content, and in
control. They consciously avoid these behaviors because they are tempting and
easy to fall into if one isn’t careful.
While the list that follows isn’t exhaustive, it presents
nine key things that you can avoid in order to increase your emotional
intelligence and performance.
They Won’t Let Anyone Limit
Their Joy
When your sense of pleasure and satisfaction are derived
from comparing yourself to others, you are no longer the master of your own
happiness. When emotionally intelligent people feel good about something that
they’ve done, they won’t let anyone’s opinions or accomplishments take that
away from them.
While it’s impossible to turn off your reactions to what
others think of you, you don’t have to compare yourself to others, and you can
always take people’s opinions with a grain of salt. That way, no matter what
other people are thinking or doing, your self-worth comes from within.
Regardless of what people think of you at any particular moment, one thing is
certain—you’re never as good or bad as they say you are.
They Won’t Forget
Emotionally intelligent people are quick to forgive, but
that doesn’t mean that they forget. Forgiveness requires letting go of what’s
happened so that you can move on. It doesn’t mean you’ll give a wrongdoer
another chance. Emotionally intelligent people are unwilling to be bogged down
unnecessarily by others’ mistakes, so they let them go quickly and are
assertive in protecting themselves from future harm.
They Won’t Die in the
Emotionally intelligent people know how important it is to
live to fight another day. In conflict, unchecked emotion makes you dig your
heels in and fight the kind of battle that can leave you severely damaged. When
you read and respond to your emotions, you’re able to choose your battles
wisely and only stand your ground when the time is right.
They Won’t Prioritize
Emotionally intelligent people won’t set perfection as their
target because they know it doesn’t exist. Human beings, by our very nature,
are fallible. When perfection is your goal, you’re always left with a nagging
sense of failure, and you end up spending your time lamenting what you failed
to accomplish and what you should have done differently instead of enjoying
what you were able to achieve.
They Won’t Live in
the Past
Failure can erode your self-confidence and make it hard to
believe you’ll achieve a better outcome in the future. Most of the time,
failure results from taking risks and trying to achieve something that isn’t
easy. Emotionally intelligent people know that success lies in their ability to
rise in the face of failure, and they can’t do this when they’re living in the
past. Anything worth achieving is going to require you to take some risks, and
you can’t allow failure to stop you from believing in your ability to succeed.
When you live in the past, that is exactly what happens, and your past becomes
your present, preventing you from moving forward.
They Won’t Dwell on
Where you focus your attention determines your emotional
state. When you fixate on the problems that you’re facing, you create and
prolong negative emotions and stress, which hinders performance. When you focus
on actions to better yourself and your circumstances, you create a sense of
personal efficacy that produces positive emotions and improves performance.
Emotionally intelligent people won’t dwell on problems because they know
they’re most effective when they focus on solutions.
They Won’t Hang
Around Negative People
Complainers are bad news because they wallow in their
problems and fail to focus on solutions. They want people to join their pity
party so that they can feel better about themselves. People often feel pressure
to listen to complainers because they don’t want to be seen as callous or rude,
but there’s a fine line between lending a sympathetic ear and getting sucked
into their negative emotional spiral. You can avoid getting drawn in only by
setting limits and distancing yourself when necessary. Think of it this way: if
a person were smoking, would you sit there all afternoon inhaling the
second-hand smoke? You’d distance yourself, and you should do the same with
complainers. A great way to set limits is to ask complainers how they intend to
fix a problem. The complainer will then either quiet down or redirect the
conversation in a productive direction.
They Won’t Hold
The negative emotions that come with holding onto a grudge
are actually a stress response. Just thinking about the event involved sends
your body into fight-or-flight mode. When a threat is imminent, this reaction
is essential to your survival, but when a threat is ancient history, holding
onto that stress wreaks havoc on your body and can have devastating health
consequences over time. In fact, researchers at Emory University have shown
that holding onto stress contributes to high blood pressure and heart disease.
Holding onto a grudge means you’re holding onto stress, and emotionally
intelligent people know to avoid this at all costs. Learning to let go of a
grudge will not only make you feel better now but can also improve your health.
They Won’t Say Yes
Unless They Really Want To
Research conducted at the University of California in San
Francisco shows that the more difficulty that you have saying no, the more
likely you are to experience stress, burnout, and even depression. Saying no is
indeed a major challenge for most people. “No” is a powerful word that you
should not be afraid to wield. When it’s time to say no, emotionally
intelligent people avoid phrases like “I don’t think I can” or “I’m not
certain.” Saying no to a new commitment honors your existing commitments and
gives you the opportunity to successfully fulfill them.
Travis Bradberry, Ph.D is the award-winning co-author of the #1
bestselling book,Emotional Intelligence 2.0, and the cofounder of TalentSmart,
the world's leading provider of emotional intelligence tests, emotional
intelligence training, and emotional intelligence certification, serving more
than 75% of Fortune 500 companies. His bestselling books have been translated
into 25 languages and are available in more than 150 countries. Dr. Bradberry
has written for, or been covered by, Newsweek, BusinessWeek, Fortune,
Forbes, Fast Company, Inc., USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington
Post, and The Harvard Business Review.
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