Tips To Follow In Case You Get Kidnapped

Below are tips that could be useful in the event of being kidnapped. 
.  Be cooperative; avoid obstinate behavior. Antagonistic hostages are more often subjected to harsh treatment, and they run a greater risk of being killed or singled out for punishment.
. Do not panic. Keep in mind that most victims survive the kidnapping.

. Devise a system to keep track of time.
. Try to establish some sort of daily routine.
. Exercise, even though your opportunities to move may be limited.
. Be observant; try to memorize details, sounds, and smells. Learn details about your kidnappers.
. Engage in small talk if possible and try to establish contact. If the kidnappers see you as an individual, they will be less likely to harm or kill you.
. Make them aware of your needs in a polite manner.
. Never try to negotiate your own ransom.

. If you find yourself in the middle of a rescue attempt, drop to the floor and wait passively as events unfold. 
