I Can’t Orgasm When Having Sex With My Partner Who I Love So Much

: WHEN having sex with my partner, I cannot climax, though we are so in love.
I am a woman of 23 and he is 25. We have been together for three years.
He is patient, loving and attentive to my needs. But I’m among the 70 per cent of women who rely on clitoral stimulation to orgasm. 

My partner will usually spend half an hour trying to help me but it doesn’t work. If I try to do it myself with him there, it just feels numb, although I can climax when I am alone.

I enjoy myself and he’s very good in bed, but I’m frustrated for us.

DEIDRE SAYS: The vaginal orgasm is a myth. Women’s bodies need clitoral stimulation but some couples find posi­tions that manage that during intercourse.
You can climax alone when you aren’t worrying about his feelings, so this is a psychological issue.

Stop aiming at inter­course or you climaxing. Touch and caress each other, with a focus on the sensations in the moment. 

My e-leaflet Sex-Play Sex Therapy will help.

Credits: The Sun 
                Deidre Sanders 
