I caught my husband messaging a woman from a dating app, he claims its pure curiousity

DEAR DEIDRE: A PICTURE popped up on my husband’s messenger account from another woman.
We’ve been married for ten years. We are both 48 and it’s a second marriage for us both.
I asked him who the woman was and he admitted to logging on to a dating site that a colleague had told him about.
He swore he would never take anything further, that it was purely curiosity.

He said he’d looked the woman up on Facebook and he’s sent her his number but that was as far as it went. He wants us to work at our marriage but I can’t trust him.

DEIDRE SAYS: Spell it out to him that chatting and flirting online counts as cheating and is off limits.
Working on your marriage means he must accept that.
On your side offer to make an effort to bring more fun to your relationship. Do you still go on dates? Do you have a satisfying sex life?
My e-leaflet Your Relationship MOT can help.
Credits: Deidre Sanders
The Sun
