Before Your Next Round of Sex: Questions You Should Ask Yourself

Though many have gone before him, his story became a reference point, no thanks to the trending video. For a few weeks, the lawyer that died in a hotel while cavorting with a young commercial sex worker was one of the most widely discussed topics across the country for some time.
Another one that trended was a certain Dayo whose wife was seen cursing his dead body in a video. “Your wife will survive, your children will survive while you rot in hell for dying because of a woman”, she blurted out as she cursed her husband’s lifeless body on the bed.

The unavoidable truth however remains that it is not only men that die during sex. Two years ago, a 24-year-old man was paraded by the police in Ogun State. His married lover, a mother of five died while they were having sex and the young man had a lot of explanations to give to the police.
But what kills people during sex?
Exhaustion: Most of the time, it is exhaustion that kills people during sex. Not a few sexually active people forget that the amount of energy required for one round of sex is the same amount required to run a 100 metre race. If your heart is not strong enough for it, you may pass on in ‘active service’. Take it or leave it, sex is not just work, it is hard work. If you doubt its standing as a strenuous exercise, ask yourself why many people fall asleep shortly after sex.
High Blood Pressure: Millions of people are hypertensive and are not in the know. That in itself is a recipe for disaster. As much as sex could make one feel relaxed after having it, the process that leads to that relaxation is more or less a risky path if you are hypertensive and you are not aware.
Performance Enhancing Drugs: In the bid to impress their partners under the sheets, many have fallen into the lure of aphrodisiacs. Interestingly, they are available to the rich and the poor. While the rich have it in the form of tablets, capsules and so on, the average man on the street could have it in the seemingly harmless concoctions sold by the roadside. Though the seemingly harmless jedi, opa eyin, ale, afato and co increase the level of desire and could even serve as energy booster, but before using them, only a few people put their blood pressure into consideration.
We have heard of people dying shortly after sex all because they had too much of energy drinks. In some countries, before a doctor prescribes sex enhancers, the patient’s medical history would be considered.
Let me also tell you that you don’t have to die having sex all because you want to impress a partner. Why die now when there are chances of having even better sex in days, weeks, months or years to come?
You don’t need any performance enhancer for sex unless recommended by your physician and that has to be in the case of erectile dysfunction. It is saddening that many men have died and many more will die just to satisfy women sexually. Researchers have opined that the average time for sexual intercourse should be between seven and 13 minutes. Anything after that might tilt towards excess. People however want it to go on for hours so they can be labeled as ‘studs’.
If you are having sex and you feel like tired or you feel like fainting, your body is simply telling you to stop and take some rest. You would do well to obey it.
So, stay alive for the next round please.  Elders in my town have a proverb that I have taken lessons from; it goes thus “olomi lo maa re, apere kii kun” (it is the person pouring water that will get tired, water can never fill a basket).
The questions below may help save you from the unexpected.
Questions to ask yourself
Can my heart bear the stress?
Do I have the stamina?
Am I physically fit for it?
Am I carrying a sexually transmitted infection?
If I die now, what happens to my dependents?  Will my family have to bear any shame?


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