My partner has been FaceTiming a girl from work telling her she is pretty

DEAR DEIDRE: MY partner has been staying out a lot recently. I looked at his phone and saw he has been FaceTiming a girl from work. He’d told her she is pretty and would like to take her out for the day.
We have been together for seven years and have a small daughter. He is 31 and I am 30.

We’ve had counselling, as we thought we were drifting apart and needed to rekindle our love for one another.
But he cancelled the last session, saying we no longer need it. He now says he’s not sure if he still loves me.
I’m wondering if this is where that girl comes in. Should I be worried?

DEIDRE SAYS: Tell him his daughter deserves for him to make an honest effort to save your relationship – and counselling cannot be effective if he is flirting with another woman.
If he is not willing to try, he should at least be honest.
My e-leaflet When Parents Can’t Get On could help.
