Shaving down below makes you ‘THREE TIMES more likely to get an STI’

"TO SHAVE or not to shave?" - that's a question many women ask themselves at some point.
And despite the growing trend to leave it au naturel down below, many of us still prefer to go bare.
But your pubes puts you at a higher risk of contracting an STI, a top doc has warned.

Dr Sarah Jarvis, GP and clinical director of told The Sun that the skin around the vagina is a lot more delicate than in other parts of the body - so it's easier for germs to break through the skin barrier.
"People often forget that you don’t need ‘standard’ full penetrative sex to pass on many sexually transmitted infections (STIs) – close genital contact is enough," she said.
"Shaving can cause inflamed hair follicles and small cuts on the skin.

Gateway for STIs

"These will almost certainly make it easier for STIs to be passed on, because they’re breaches in the body’s first line of defense against invaders - the skin."
And she points to studies that have actually found a link between STIs and people who like their pubes shorn.
"Studies show that people who shave their pubic hair are more likely to be diagnosed with STIs.
"It’s difficult to prove for certain whether the shaving is the direct cause – it could be that people who shave have different sexual habits, which put them at higher risk of STIs for other reasons. But it makes sense to avoid shaving or waxing just before sex, and always to use a clean razor if you do shave."
Last year, Canadian scientists found that hot waxing and shaving vaginal hair - especially when using shaving foam - caused more harm than good, making you three times more likely to catch an STI.
And they also said that there was a massive spike in the numbers of infections in women who used intimate products.
Pubic hair is a natural barrier to germs
"Participants who reported use of any vaginal/genital health and hygiene product(s) had approximately three times higher odds of reporting any adverse health condition," the report, published in the journal BMC Women's Health, said.
Dr Vanessa Mackay, a spokeswoman for the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, has previously warned women to keep their pubic hair.
"Pubic hair offers a natural barrier to keep things clean, to decrease contact with viruses and bacteria, and to protect the tender skin of the area," she said.
"Shaving or waxing your pubic hair puts you at higher risk of contracting venereal disease, like genital warts.
"Although pubic hair doesn’t completely prevent sexually transmitted infections, it helps avoid skin on skin contact with someone who may already have it."
That wasn't the first time experts have claimed that getting rid of pubic hair might put us at risk of things like chlamydia, gonorrhoea and herpes.
A 2016 study found that Brits who shave or wax off their pubic hair are four times more likely to catch an STI.

Going bare comes at a massive risk

It found that those who removed all their pubic hair were at a 440 per cent higher risk of picking up a sex bug because those who wax or trim tend to be more sexually active.
The study looked at more than 7,500 adults in the U.S. aged between 18 and 65.
Around 13 per cent admitted having at least one STI.
Karin O'Sullivan, clinical lead at the sexual health charity FPA, told The Sun: “The study from 2016 found that people who removed all their pubic hair once a month or trimmed frequently were more likely to report having a sexually transmitted infection (STI).
"But the reason for this isn’t known – it’s been suggested that small tears in the skin make infection more possible but it could be that people who are more at risk of an STI are more likely to shave. On the other hand, the incidence of pubic lice is reduced among people who shave, so there are some benefits.
"The decision to keep or remove your pubic hair is entirely your own but if you’re worried about STIs, using a condom during sex is the most effective way to protect yourself.
Three-quarters said they trimmed their pubes – with 84 per cent of women and 64 per cent of blokes’ saying they were fans of a manicured bush.
Of course, it's up to you how you groom your vagina.
Some of us like it "tidy" while others prefer just to leave it alone.
There's no right or wrong - so don't feel any pressure either way. Just make sure that if you do shave, you're using your own, clean, rust-free razor, or that you go to a clean and professional salon.
And whatever you do, don't douche or use gels or soaps down there.

(The Sun)
