You Binge on Bad Foods
If you’re a
junk-food junkie, you’re filling your body with lots of refined carbs,
simple sugars, and saturated and trans fat. This can slow your blood
flow and affect how well you can perform during sex. Cut out the junk
and go for plenty of fruits, veggies, and plant-based protein (nuts,
beans, and tofu). Bonus: A healthy eating plan will give you more energy
for sex.
You Eat Too Much Salt
When salty foods
are a regular part of your diet, you’re more likely to have high blood
pressure, which can lower your libido. Steer clear of prepackaged foods,
which often have lots of sodium, and watch how much you add at the
table. Instead, add flavor with herbs and spices.
You Stay Stressed
Constant strain and
worry wears you out -- everywhere. When you flood your body with stress
hormones for a long periods of time, it hijacks your health and also
tanks your desire to have sex. Try to figure out what’s stressing you so
you can think about the best ways to handle it. It’s also a good idea
to make time for regular stress-relief -- a walk in a park, a yoga
class, or laughing at your favorite comedy.
You Skip Foreplay
Science backs it
up: Building up to sex can make it better. In one survey of almost 8,700
people, both men and women said sex lasted longer when they included
more types of stimulation beforehand. The real engine revvers? Oral sex
and masturbation.
You’re Too Busy
When life gets
hectic, sex can sometimes be the first thing kicked off your “to-do”
list. But intimacy in your relationship should be a priority. Scheduling
sex may sound like a buzzkill, but it can help you make sure you don’t
keep putting it off. So mark time on your calendars, and stick to it.
You’ll feel more connected, which will lead to better bouts in bed.
You Stick to the Same Old, Same Old
Sometimes a stale
sex spell is just a matter of being stuck in a rut. You might have a
routine and not even realize it. Mix it up: try new positions or have
sex in a place or at a time you don’t usually do it. Or try adding new
alternatives like massage or sex toys to your routine.
You Don’t Speak Up
If there’s
something about your sex life that’s bothering you, or you have ideas
about new things you’d like to try, talk about it. Worried about how
your partner might handle the conversation? Try to frame it around your
feelings and reactions, not your partner’s. It helps to start your
sentences with “I” instead of “you.”
You Diss Your Body
The messages you
tell yourself -- or hear from others -- about your body make a big
difference in how confident you feel. When those messages are negative,
your self-image takes a hit, and so does your sex drive. If your default
mode is to put yourself down, break the habit and try to focus on what
you like about yourself. Take care of yourself, and spend time with
people who make you feel good.
You Drink Too Much
One glass of wine
or a beer might help you relax, but a booze binge can make you crash and
burn in the bedroom. Men in particular can struggle with performance
issues when they have too much alcohol in their system. Keep your
drinking in moderation -- no more than one drink a day for women and two
for men.
You Skimp on Shut-Eye
If you don’t
snooze, you could lose your libido. One study found that women who got
more sleep tended to have more (and better) sex.
You Don’t Watch Your Waistline
Is your scale
showing a higher number than usual these days? Shedding a few pounds
could boost your performance in the bedroom -- especially if you’re a
guy. One study found that men with a waist over 40 inches were more
likely to have erectile dysfunction than those with slimmer stomachs.
You Light Up
There’s a long list
of ways smoking harms your health, and slashing sexual desire is on
it. Chemicals in tobacco can mess with blood flow, which can cause
sexual problems, especially for men. Talk to your doctor about how you
can kick the habit.
(Web MD)
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