Ending Gender Bias: Why Richard Branson Says Everyone Should Take Meeting Notes, Not Just Women

- Lisa Quast 

If you’re a female in the workforce, chances are high that, at some point, you’ll be asked to do “office housework” activities, such as taking notes during a meeting or fetching someone coffee. And while you might wish that gender bias no longer existed, it’s still epidemic in many companies around the world.
A female friend of mine is a computer engineer at a large, global corporation. The real-life story she related, while funny, is typical of what continues to happen to women everywhere.
Friend: “A guy walks into my open space at work where I’m one of six engineers. He chooses to talk to me instead of any of the other employees.”

Guy: “I was told to get the boxes I need for my office move somewhere on this side of the building.”
Friend: “Okay.” <I’m wondering why he’s telling me this.>
Guy: “Do you know where my new office is going to be?”
Friend: “Nope.” <I have never seen this man in my life.>
Guy: “Do you know where I can get tape?”
Friend: “Nope.”
Guy: “Don’t you have a supply room full of stuff?”
Friend: “Nope.”

Guy: “Aren’t you the administrative assistant?”
Friend: <Sigh>
A similar situation happened to me. I was in Europe for a global business meeting (I was the person holding the meeting). I arrived early and had just finished making sure my presentation would project correctly onto the screen in the room when two male participants walked in. As they pulled out chairs, one turned to me and said: “Coffee please. Black with two sugars.” Then he sat down and continued his discussion with the other male.
I remember forcing myself to take a deep breath and exhale slowly. Then I walked over and introduced myself: “Hi there! I don’t think we’ve met in person yet. I’m Lisa Quast, the vice president who invited you to this meeting. And you are?”
His face turned red. Then he stammered, “Um. Hopefully not fired?” and looked down at the table.
“Relax, I’m not going to fire you for what you said, but why don’t we take a walk down the hall to the coffee machine and you can help me understand why you assumed I was an administrative assistant who would fetch you coffee.”
While we got our coffees, we ended up having a really good discussion about the cultural and gender bias lurking (unintentionally) behind his comments. Years later, we were even able to laugh at the situation. Better yet, he often used the story as an example to others of how he overcame his previously unknown gender bias in the workplace. Sometimes, rather than getting angry and lashing out, it’s better to turn the situation into a learning experience.
An excellent example of someone leading the effort to end gender bias is Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin Group. In a recent dinner meeting with 30 chief executives to discuss ways that men can close the gender gap and counteract bias in the workplace, it was Branson himself who wrote down all the meeting notes.

During the conversation, the group discussed the unfair expectation on women to handle support work, such as (you guessed it) taking meeting notes. Branson writes:
Not only is this unfair to women, but it’s also disadvantageous to men. It’s time for men to step up and do their share of support work. On top of counteracting gender bias in the work force, it will also give men a better understanding of what [is] going on within the business and what needs to be done to make things run more effectively. Mentoring, training and note taking – these are wonderful development areas, which everyone, men and women alike, can greatly benefit from.
In Branson’s experience, “99% of people in leadership roles don’t take notes.” To counteract the note-taking gender bias, Branson’s advice is for every attendee to take notes during meetings. “Men shouldn’t take over the note taking from women, everyone should be taking notes.”
Sheryl Sandberg and Adam Grant offer advice on ways employers can reduce “office housework” gender bias in their article, “Madam C.E.O, Get Me a Coffee.” Instead of relying on volunteers for such tasks as note taking, they suggest assigning communal tasks evenly to “ensure that support work is shared, noticed and valued.”
Sandberg and Grant, like Branson, also recommend that men speak up to help solve the gender gap and workplace bias issues. “Men can use their voices to draw attention to women’s contribution. Men can also step up by doing their share of support work and mentoring.”

Overcoming gender bias isn’t just about employers taking action; it’s also about women learning how to stand up for themselves in workplace situations. Rikki Rogers learned from her own mistakes that it’s important not to establish a precedent by volunteering for administrative tasks such as “running personal errands or jumping up when someone needs something FedExed.” In her Forbes article, “Taking Notes Isn’t ‘Women’s Work’: What To Do When You’re The Default Admin,” Rogers advises other women to pitch in when it’s an “all hands on deck moment” but to reconsider repeated requests to handle administrative tasks that are unrelated to their positions.
Sometimes it can be difficult to resist and say “No” to a request when all eyes in a meeting are on you. This happened to me early in my career. The executive running the meeting turned to me (the only female in the conference room) and asked me to take notes.
“Absolutely!” was my response. Then a few minutes into the meeting I stood up, went to the white board and began writing. I wrote down three headers across the top of the board: Action Item/Decision, Person Responsible, and Timing. The room was quiet and everyone was staring at me while I wrote down the first action item. The executive asked, “Lisa, what are you doing?”
“I’m taking meeting notes,” I responded. Then I turned to him and gave him my biggest smile.
And that’s what I did. Each time the group came up with an action item or a decision was made, I wrote it on the white board. If it was an action item, I also led a quick discussion on who should be responsible and the timing for completion. At the end, I took a picture of the white board notes and emailed it to the executive’s assistant to type up and send out to the attendees.
As we left the meeting room afterwards, one of my male colleagues walked over and whispered in my ear: “That was brilliant.” Then he winked.

Lisa Quast, author of the book, Secrets of a Hiring Manager Turned Career Coach: A Foolproof Guide to Getting the Job You Want. Every Time.
