Love in Seconds!

Kiss: Don’t leave home without it! Kiss your partner before leaving home. Add a hug while you’re at it! Two minutes that start your day off right. And, don’t forget to kiss when you come home!

Keep that date! If you don’t have a regular date night every week, create one. Don’t lose your identity as a couple.

Give each other a break. When you come home, give each other 30 minutes to unwind quietly and leave work behind.

Don’t let chores get in the way. Try to break up chores so you don’t end up trying to do everything on the weekend.

Don’t be a slave to the kitchen. If you are a two-career couple, eat your heavier, more traditional meal at lunch, and eat light at dinner. Not only will this be healthier for you, but it will save you time cooking and cleaning, so you can spend more time doing things you both enjoy.

